Essentials of Physical Chemistry 2010 by Arun Bahl,B. S. Bahl and G. D. Tuli.
A textbook for B.Sc Classes as per the UGC Model Syllabus. The book is visually beautiful and authors communicate their enthusiasm and enjoyment of the subject in every chapter. This textbook is cuurently in use at hundreds of colleges and universities throughout the country and is a national best-seller. There are hundreds of computer-generated coloured diagrams, graphs, photos and tables which aid in understanding the text. CONTENTS: 1. Structure of Atom-Classical Mechanics 2. Structure of Atom-Wave Mechanical Approach 3. Isotopes, Isobars and Isotones 4. Nuclear Chemistry 5. Chemical Bonding-Lewis Theory 6. Chemical Bonding-Orbit Concept 7. First Law of Thermodynamics 8. Thermo chemistry 9. Second Law of Thermodynamics 10. Gaseous State 11. Liquid State 12. Solid State 13. Physical Properties and Chemical Constitution 14. Solutions 15. Theory of Dilute Solutions 16. Osmosis and Osmotic Pressure 17. Chemical Equlibrium 18. Distribution Law 19. Phase Rule 20. Chemical Kinetics 21. Catalysis 22. Colloids 23. Adsorption 24. Electrolysis and Electrical Conductance 25. Theory of Electrolytic Dissociation 26. Ionic Equlibria-Solubility Product 27. Acids and Bases 28. Salt Hydrolysis 29. Electromotive Force 30. Photochemistry 31. SI Units 32. Mathematical Concepts 33. Introduction to Computers Printed Pages: 1262. Bookseller Inventory 9681.
A textbook for B.Sc Classes as per the UGC Model Syllabus. The book is visually beautiful and authors communicate their enthusiasm and enjoyment of the subject in every chapter. This textbook is cuurently in use at hundreds of colleges and universities throughout the country and is a national best-seller. There are hundreds of computer-generated coloured diagrams, graphs, photos and tables which aid in understanding the text. CONTENTS: 1. Structure of Atom-Classical Mechanics 2. Structure of Atom-Wave Mechanical Approach 3. Isotopes, Isobars and Isotones 4. Nuclear Chemistry 5. Chemical Bonding-Lewis Theory 6. Chemical Bonding-Orbit Concept 7. First Law of Thermodynamics 8. Thermo chemistry 9. Second Law of Thermodynamics 10. Gaseous State 11. Liquid State 12. Solid State 13. Physical Properties and Chemical Constitution 14. Solutions 15. Theory of Dilute Solutions 16. Osmosis and Osmotic Pressure 17. Chemical Equlibrium 18. Distribution Law 19. Phase Rule 20. Chemical Kinetics 21. Catalysis 22. Colloids 23. Adsorption 24. Electrolysis and Electrical Conductance 25. Theory of Electrolytic Dissociation 26. Ionic Equlibria-Solubility Product 27. Acids and Bases 28. Salt Hydrolysis 29. Electromotive Force 30. Photochemistry 31. SI Units 32. Mathematical Concepts 33. Introduction to Computers Printed Pages: 1262. Bookseller Inventory 9681.
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